Desde junho passei a escrever posts sobre Internet, Desenvolvimento e Censura (“Optimizing Information Use through the Internet and Social Media”) para a Fundação Bertelsmann (Bertelsmann Stiftung) em um trabalho que irá até outubro em preparação para o Global Economic Symposium (GES) e para o blog Future Challenges. A seguir alencarei os links dos posts à medida em que forem publicados. Todos os textos são em inglês.
Information and action
GES e Future Challenges
Collaboration and the global network
GES e Future Challenges
Information: not just getting it, but knowing what to do with it
GES e Future Challenges
The Internet as a Human Right? Part One: Population
GES e Future Challenges
The Internet as a Human Right? Part Two: Economy
GES e Future Challenges
The Internet as a Human Right? Part Three: Setbacks and the Private Sector
GES e Future Challenges
The Internet as a Human Right? Part four: Setbacks and the Public Sector/Government
GES e Future Challenges
Demolition of the welfare state: what comes after?
Future Challenges
Embrace cultural change, don’t fight it!
Future Challenges
Brazilian infrastructure projects and the spurious benefits of accelerated growth
Future Challenges
A globalized economy also means globalized ideology and globalized prejudice…
Future Challenges