sexta-feira, 13 de março de 2009

Madagascar, Guerra Civil?

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Excelente análise da Reuters, comento ao longo do texto.

SNAP ANALYSIS-Political crisis in Madagascar deepens
13 Mar 2009 09:15:49 GMT
Source: Reuters
By Daniel Wallis NAIROBI, March 13 (Reuters) - Dissident soldiers said they had deployed tanks in Madagascar's capital on Friday and the president urged the population to repel the mutineers. Here are some of the potential consequences:

Resumindo: A coisa tah FEIA! Depois de mais de 100 mortos em combates entre os apoiadores do prefeito da capital Antananarivo, Rajoelina, e a polícia e guardas leiais ao Presidente de Madagascar, Ravalomanana pode começar uma Guerra Civil no país... E a mídia brasileira? Nem ouviu falar, mais interessante gastar páginas e páginas com Gilmar Mendes e sua gangue!

* CIVIL WAR? - In a worst case scenario, any deployment of tanks in Antananarivo could lead to battles pitting the police and presidential guard -- who remain loyal to President Marc Ravalomanana -- against mutinous troops and members of the country's gendarmerie, or military police. A spokesman for the mutineers insisted, however, that they had no plans to attack the presidential palace, that they were not taking orders from opposition leader Andry Rajoelina, and that they were only responding to public calls to restore law and order.

Pior opção em toda e qualquer situação, isso é inegável. Dificil saber o que acontece por lá e se realmente a guerra vai estourar. A questão é saber se Rajoelina tem poder suficiente para desafiar o presidente ou só controla os ânimos na capital. E pensar que boa parte deste problema se deve ao fato de Rajoelina não ter a idade suficiente para concorrer à presidência, que é 40 anos, ele tem 34.... Obviamente, esta é uma análise simplista, o Presidente fechou uma das redes de TV do opositor Rajoelina, eles são inimigos políticos há tempos e etc.... São várias as razões...

* TALK OF MERCENARIES - Rumours have been rife in the city all week that Ravalomanana might call in hundreds of mercenaries, perhaps from South Africa, to defend his hold on power now that many parts of the armed forces no longer listen to him. The mutineers said they had deployed tanks specifically to "intercept" any private mercenary forces that tried to move into the capital. If that happened, fighting could break out and civilians would almost certainly be caught in the crossfire.

É a volta aos tempos medievais, quando os franceses recorriam aos genoveses para lutar contra seus inimigos diversos... O presidente de um país precisar recorrer à mercenários... Só mesmo numa ilhota chamada Madagascar!

Como sempre, civis se ferrando numa guerra de poder entre dois líderes. Pelo que se conhece da África - apensar da população de Madagascar não ser Africana em suas origens - qualquer um dos líderes será tão ruim quanto o outro e possivelmente o vencedor virará um ditador.

* STALEMATE? - If members of the public do not heed the president's call to confront the dissident troops, and the mutineers stick to their pledge not to attack his palace and topple him at gunpoint, the stand-off is likely to continue. A crisis in 2002 over disputed election results rumbled on for eight months. The United Nations, African Union and others have been pushing for a resumption of face-to-face talks between the two men, but as the crisis deepens that prospect is receding. There have been sporadic eruptions of violence followed by calm since the start of the year. If neither side is able to gain the edge then that could continue indefinitely.

O que não seria incomum à um país africano ou a Madagascar, conflitos esporádicos intermitentes... Não é bom mas não foge ao comum.

* ECONOMY BATTERED FURTHER - The crisis has already hammered Madagascar's previously booming $390 million-a-year tourism sector. Tour operators say a continued stand-off will lead to the entire year being a write-off, and any escalation of the violence could hit visitor arrivals for years to come. Major foreign investors, which include Total , Rio Tinto and Sherritt International , have so far not been affected, since their operations are well outside the capital. But civil war or a protracted stalemate, which could also see the country divided, would be sure to make them re-evaluate their investment plans. -

Colpaso social, colapso econômico, fim do turismo.... Same old, same old....