sábado, 2 de maio de 2009

Denúncia do Comitê Popular contra o Muro em Bi'lin. Isso é Sionismo

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The Popular Committee Against the Wall in Bil'in
Deplores the arrest of five leaders of the Popular Committee in Alm’asra
Friday, 1 \ 5 \ 2009

The Popular Committee Against the Wall in Bil'in
Deplores the arrest of five leaders of the Popular Committee in Alm’asra they are: Mahmoud Zawahra coordinator of Alm’asra Committee, Mohammed Burjya, a spokesman for the Media Commission, and his brother Hassan, Azmi Alchiokhi, who is president of the Popular Committees in Hebron, Mustafa Faouar. The Committee calls upon the People's human rights organizations to intervene for the release of five leaders, and this is comes within the occupation forces to target the leaders of the popular events to discourage the continuation of events against the construction of the wall and settlements.

For more information, review:
Abdullah Aburahma - Coordinator of the Popular Committee to resist the wall and settlements in Bil'in
0599107069 or 0547258210

1 Comentários

1 comentários:

Anônimo disse...

Olá Raphael. Se puder aparecer no blog abaixo será legal. É uma visão do outro lado, isto é, de Israel, mas acredito que o caminho é a paz e o entendimento que só podem ser conseguidos pelo entendimento e troca de idéias. Um abraço.


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