sexta-feira, 1 de maio de 2009

Ocupantes, Usurpadores e Ladrões

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"The report is another indictment, as if one were needed, of the now-defunct Oslo Accords. Just as Oslo lacked adequate mechanisms to enforce Israeli pledges to sharply reduce its occupation of Palestinian land, so too has Israel been allowed to abrogate its commitment to revise interim agreements relating to water systems in the Arab territories it controls. Instead, according to the World Bank report, Israel has aggrandised a growing share of available water supplies while intensifying Palestinian reliance on Mekorot, the Jewish state’s national water carrier. The report states that Israel, without the approval of the Israeli-Palestinian Joint Water Committee (JWC) – a legacy of the Oslo process – draws more than 50 per cent from the aquifers that support both the West Bank and Israel beyond what it is authorised under the accords. Needless to say, Palestinian protests of such violations are routinely ignored, according to the report."

Via The Angry Arab!

Resumindo: Os Israelenses, ilegalmente, roubam mais de 50% da água dos aquíferos que abastecem a Palestina (Cisjordância) e Israel do que é permitido por acordos internacionais (Acordo de Oslo) e os protestos dos Palestino são, como sempre, ignorados.

Não basta roubar a terra, as esperanças e a dignidade. Roubam também a água.