segunda-feira, 16 de março de 2009

Corporate Genocide

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"Corporate genocide is the mass cooperation of a business-led military invasion, where a population is sacrificed for the economic profit of the invader. A corporate genocide goes beyond blind hate and killing innocent civilians to gain power and territory. In pursuing its economic strategies, the US has caused the death and injury, deliberate or not, of millions of Iraqis."

Via The Angry Arab

"Rape, indiscriminate killings and torture are all elements of genocide, but the situation in Iraq goes beyond that, fitting the description of something that is more 21st-century - a corporate genocide.

In stating that Iraq's genocide is distinct, the point is not to reduce the relevance of previous genocides or leave similar slaughters in other regions unacknowledged.

Rather, it is to recognise that while the perception of genocide in Iraq is not new, the extent to which it is now a valid belief is.

Corporate genocide is the mass cooperation of a business-led military invasion, where a population is sacrificed for the economic profit of the invader. A corporate genocide goes beyond blind hate and killing innocent civilians to gain power and territory.

In pursuing its economic strategies, the US has caused the death and injury, deliberate or not, of millions of Iraqis."

Via Al Jazeera

Interessante conceito. Aplicabilidade em todo mundo e em qualquer lugar que possamos imaginar... Não é preciso ficar só com o conceito de "invasão militar", vários países cometem este tipo de ato contra seus próprios, usando seu próprio exército na tentativa de abrir mais espaço (limpeza social) para as empresas multinacionais explorarem recursos naturais...

É extremamente comum.
