terça-feira, 2 de junho de 2009

Eleições na Ossetia do Sul e Abkházia em crise [Update]

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Os resultados finais da eleição para o Parlamento da OSsétia do Sul - que acompanhei aqui - não trouxe qualquer surpresa. O partido ligado ao atual presidente, Eduard Kokoity, ganhou com larga vantagem, seguido por seus aliados, enquanto a oposição, representada pelo Partido da Pátria ficou de fora do parlamento ao não ter ultrapassado a barreira dos 7% de votos.

O Partido da Unidade, ligado à Kokoity, recebeu 46,38% dos votose venceu com maioria folgada, beirando os 50%.

"Pro-Moscow Parties Win Poll In Rebel Georgian Region

South Ossetian leader Eduard Kokoity votes in Tskhinvali on May 31.

June 01, 2009
MOSCOW (Reuters) -- Parties supporting the pro-Moscow leader of Georgia's rebel South Ossetia province won parliamentary elections by a landslide, the region's chief spokeswoman has said.

The May 31 vote, denounced by Georgia as illegal, is the region's first election since Russian forces repelled a Georgian attempt to retake the region by force last August and pushed deep into Georgian territory.

South Ossetian leader Eduard Kokoity has hailed the election as a vindication of South Ossetia's independence -- recognized only by Russia and Nicaragua.

"Preliminary results show Unity is leading, followed by the Communists and the People's Party," South Ossetia's minister for press and information, Irina Gagloyeva, told Reuters by telephone from the region's capital, Tskhinvali.

All three parties support Kokoity, a 44-year-old former wrestler. Official results will be published later on June 1, she said, adding: "Turnout was at least 75 percent."

The opposition Fatherland Socialist Party, which is harshly critical of Kokoity, finished a distant fourth.

"No major violations were registered," Gagloyeva said, responding to earlier opposition speculation that Kokoity would rig the vote to change the constitution to allow him to seek a third term. "Journalists and numerous observers could see this."

"As for the opposition, it only sees what it wants to see," she said. "This is their daily bread -- to talk about things that never happened."

Russia recognized South Ossetia and Abkhazia -- another rebel Georgian region -- as independent states after its five-day war with Georgia in August last year.

The opposition says Kokoity has crushed dissent and squandered the funds sent by Moscow for rebuilding."
Já na Abkházia, a situação é de crise no governo com o pedido de demissão do Vice-Presidente, Raul Khadjimba, que denunciou o tratamento dado pelo Presidente da recém-fundada república do Mar Negro, Sergei Bagapsh, à oposição e também à falta de progesso em questões cruciais da república.

Khadjimba deve concorer contra Bagapsh nas eleições presidenciais de 2010, abrindo umacrise sem precedentes no governo da minúscula república, que depende totalmente da boa vontade Russa para sobreviver.

"SUKHUM, May 28 (RIA Novosti) - The vice president of the former Georgian republic of Abkhazia has resigned in protest against the president's treatment of the opposition and lack of progress on key issues.

Raul Khadjimba, who is likely to run against President Sergei Bagapsh at the 2010 election, told reporters: "I am resigning. I am not ruling out that after my resignation I will remain in politics."

He said the republic is suffering a "crisis of power", and that the leadership is refusing to hear the voice of the opposition.

"When the opposition focuses on serious unsolved problems - it has the right to do this. This search for domestic enemies, and rude and irresponsible propaganda on Abkhaz television, is provoking a split in society," he said.

Abkhazia, a tiny South Caucasus republic home to less than 200,000, was recognized as an independent state by neighboring Russia last fall, after the Georgia-Russia war that followed Tbilisi's attack on South Ossetia.

The other likely candidate at next year's election is Beslan Butba, a businessman who leads the opposition Economic Development Party.

Khadjimba, 50, second in command in Abkhazia since October 2004, said he has been unable to tackle corruption and improve security, due to lack of room for maneuver and support from the president.

He also criticized the president for signing a border protection agreement with Russia, saying there were no open discussions on the issue. Khadjimba also accused Bagapsh of violating a 2004 agreement on constitutional powers of the vice president.

Abkhazia's "power crisis" is "a result of the style and management methods chosen by the president and his circle," he said."

Finalmente, informações do Nationalia.info sobre as eleições na Ossétia do Sul:

"Eleccions sense sorpreses a Ossètia del Sud, el partit prorrús surt reforçat


El president georgià ignora els resultats, i la Unió Europea i els Estats Units neguen qualsevol legitimitat als comicis i afirmen que la república independentista s'allunya de la solució al conflicte amb Geòrgia · El partit que dóna suport a l'actual president osseta, Eduard Kokoity, obté el 46% dels vots, i la majoria d'opositors no superen el llindar electoral.

Ossètia del Sud, una de les dues repúbliques independents de facto a Geòrgia, ha celebrat aquest diumenge eleccions presidencials, les primeres d'ençà de la guerra entre Moscou i Tbilisi pel control d'aquesta república, i després del reconeixement del país per part de la Federació Russa i Nicaragua. Com era previsible, el Partit de la Unitat, que dóna suport a l'actual president Eduard Kokoity, s'ha imposat amb el 47% dels vots i 17 escons sobre 34, segons informen els mitjans russos.

Hi haurà poques novetats, per tant, en un executiu que continuarà sent obertament prorrús. Els altres partits amb representació han estat el Partit Popular -nou escons- i el Partit Comunista -vuit-. Alguns partits crítics amb Kokoity, que no han pogut superar el llindar del 7% a les eleccions, denuncien que hi ha hagut irregularitats durant la jornada electoral, com per exemple la impossibilitat de supervisar el recompte de vots per part d'alguns observadors, o la votació per part de persones no residents als municipis on votaven. Altres organitzacions havien fet una crida a boicotejar els comicis, ja que consideraven que tots els partits donen suport a Kokoity, i han acusat el president de corrupció.

D'altra banda, Geòrgia no troba legals aquestes eleccions, en tant que continua considerant que Ossètia del Sud és part del territori georgià, tot i que a la pràctica no hi tingui cap autoritat. El president de Geòrgia, Mikhail Saakàixvili, ha restat importància a l'assumpte: "és tant cínic i grotesc celebrar eleccions en una fortalesa militar [en referència al suport que la república independentista obté de la Federació Russa] que no hi pararem atenció".

Tampoc consideren legítimes les eleccions la Unió Europea ni els Estats Units, ambdós aliats de Tbilisi. La presidència de torn comunitària ha declarat que manté tot el seu suport a la "sobirania i la integritat territorial" de Geòrgia. No només això, sinó que ha aventurat que aquestes eleccions -les terceres consecutives que guanya Kokoity- representen "un pas enrere" en la recerca d'una solució pacífica al conflicte amb Geòrgia.

En una línia similar s'ha expressat el Govern dels EUA, que ha "lamentat" les eleccions i ha coincidit que allunyen una eventual "solució negociada".

Més informació:
