sexta-feira, 24 de abril de 2009

Isso é Sionismo

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"Israeli soldiers attacked the teachers and children returning from a school trip in the West Bank town of Beit Ummar on Thursday afternoon. Upon returning from a trip to Ramallah and Jericho, Israeli soldiers halted the busses at the entrance to the town, ordering the children and teachers off the busses. The children were held for three hours before international human rights activists stationed in the village intervened. The presence of teachers and the children’s’ families also prevented the army from holding them longer. Witnesses said the soldiers “abused and intimidated” their detainees."

Via The Angry Arab

Israel definitivamente busca atacar as crianças, os civis e aterrorizar de todas as maneiras a população Palestina. Depois, quando vê o Hamas e outros grupos crescendo e a violência contra si aumentando, não entendem o porque, ou melhor, entendem mas fingem ignorância para matar e matar.