quarta-feira, 20 de maio de 2009

Protesto Tártaro na Criméia

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Bandeira dos Tártaros da Criméia

Já comentei antes aqui sobre a situação dos Tártaros da Criméia e hoje vi a notícia de que milhares foram às ruas na Ucrânia protestar contra sua situação desigual frente aos Ucranianos e Russos em sua própria terra.

Os Tártaros da Criméia comemoraram o 65°aniversário da deportação de seu povo (cerca de 200 mil tártaros foram deportados) para o Cazaquistão e outros países da Ásia central em maio de 1944.

Cerca de 15 mil tártaros tomaram as ruas da cidade de Simferopol, na Criméia, para protestar e exigir uma política linguística específica, respeito à sua cultura e respeito aos seus direitos políticos por parte do governo da Ucrânia.

Os Tártaros exigem maiores direitos políticos e reonhecimento formal, além de uma política educacional em sua própria língua na região.

Durante esta semana, também, está ocorrendo o Congresso Mundial dos Tártaros da Criméia, na cidade de Bakhchisaray, na Criméia, com delegados de diversos países da diáspora Criméia.

Informa o Nationalia.info:

Crimean Tatars call for linguistic rights to be respected in the 65th anniversary of their deportation


They demand national and territorial self-government and official status granted for Tatar language in the Crimean peninsula · World Congress of Crimean Tatars opens in Bakhchisaray, an event widely attended by delegates representing Tatar diaspora · More than 200,000 Tatars were deported to Central Asia in May 1944.

Massive deportation of Tatars on 18th May 1944 has been commemorated once again in Crimea. The date marks the date in wich Joseph Stalin ordered the forced displacement of the whole Tatar population of Crimea -nearly 200,000- to Central Asia. It is estimated that half of the total deportees lost their life along the journey.

According to RFE/RL, around 15,000 people took to the streets of Simferopol (Crimea) on Monday to commemorate the catastrophe and demand the Ukranian government to protect their linguistic and political rights. Tatars returning to their ancestral homes since the late 1980's have become a minority due to russification and ukrainization of their territory. That is why demonstrators requested Kiev to recognise official status to the Tatar language within the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and include it within the Republic's education schemes. On a political level, Crimean Tatars call for a national and territorial Tatar self-government outgoing the Autonomous Republic's current powers.

Coinciding with the remembrance, the Ukrainian government announced it will set up a special unit to investigate crimes against Tatars from Crimea committed by Soviet authorities. To do so, Kiev has asked Russia's Federal Security Service (FSB) to declassify all the documentation relating to the deportation.

Tatar diaspora World Congress
Not all Crimean Tatars returned to their homeland, as many of them exiled to European and American countries. With the aim of discussing strategies and future goals, the Crimean Tatar World Congress is being held in Bakhchisaray (Crimea) and other Crimean towns until May 22. According to NRCU, the congress will gather delegates from Ukraine, Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey, Germany, Russia and the US, among other countries.

As reported by RFE/RL several months ago, delegates have been preparing for the Congress amid controversy. Several Tatar NGO intended to boycott it alleging the gathering would only be aimed at making Mustafa Abdülcemil Qırımoğlu, chairman of the Tatar Parliament (the Mejlis) and a former prominent Tatar leader in the 1960s and 1970s, a "permanent leader" of Crimean Tatars.

Picture: Rally of Crimean Tatars with Tatar and Ukrainian flags (Idil Izmirli i Eskender Bariev, International Committee for Crime).

Congresso Mundial, via RFE/RL

Crimean Tatar World Congress Opens

Crimean Tatars commemorate the 65th anniversary of the mass deportation in Simferopol on May 18.

May 19, 2009
BAKHCHISARAY, Ukraine -- The World Congress of Crimean Tatars (Kurultai) has opened in the Crimean city of Bakhchisaray, RFE/RL's Ukrainian Service reports.

More than 800 delegates from 12 countries are attending the congress at Bakhchisaray's Khan Palace.

Ali Khamzin, the head of the congress's organizing committee, told RFE/RL that the congress is focusing on ways to consolidate Crimean Tatars.

He said such issues as preserving the group's ethnic identity, and reviving the Crimean Tatar language and culture, are also on the agenda.

The congress's plenary meetings will be held in Simferopol, and panel discussions will take place in the Ukrainian peninsula cities of Bilohorsk, Yevpatoria, Sudak, and Eski-Kirim.

The event ends on May 22.

May 18 was marked as the 65th anniversary of the forced deportation of some 200,000 Crimean Tatars to Central Asia by the Soviet regime. Nearly half of the deportees died en route.
