sexta-feira, 5 de junho de 2009

Israel mata Palestino na Vila de Ni'lin - Isso é Sionismo!

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Mais uma Palestino é assassinado ao protestar pacificamente contra o Muro da Vergonha, na Cisjordânia. Desta vez a vítima foi Yousef Sadeq Srour, conhecido como "Aqel"

Israel, como sempre, afirma ter matado um "importante membro do Hamas" - se todos os mortos por Israel fossem "importantes membros do Hamas" o grupo já teria desaparecido por falta de membros e liderança há muito tempo!

Do lado Palestino, a história é um "pouco" diferente:
"Around 2 pm this afternoon, a 16 year old boy was also shot with live ammunition, in the fields next the villages houses. Yousef was at the scene and tried to carry the boy who was critically injured and on the ground. When he picked him, the Israeli army shot Yousef in the chest with a .22 bullet. He and the boy were both transferred to the hospital, but it was too late for Yousef. The boy is currently in critical condition.

In the morning, 2 boys were also shot with live ammunition, they are currently in the hospital getting treatment."

Primeiro, a notícia do Terra, que passa apenas o lado Israelense, e logo depois, do site do Bil'in Village, o lado Palestino com informações de agências locais.

Forças israelenses matam palestino na Cisjordânia

Forças israelenses mataram um manifestante palestino que participava hoje de um protesto contra o muro de separação construído por Israel na aldeia de Nilin, na Cisjordânia, disseram fontes médicas locais.

A vítima foi identificada como Youssef Aqel Sadiq Srour, de 36 anos, que recebeu um tiro no peito, explicaram as fontes.

O Exército israelense afirmou em comunicado que Srour "era um ativista crucial do Hamas nas manifestações antimuro semanais".

Outras três pessoas foram feridas por tiros durante a manifestação na aldeia próxima a Ramala, da qual palestinos e ativistas de diversas partes do mundo, inclusive de Israel, participam às sextas-feiras há anos.

Testemunhas citadas pela edição eletrônica do jornal "Yedioth Ahronoth" disseram que soldados israelenses começaram a disparar contra os manifestantes antes do início do protesto.

Ontem, um menino palestino de 11 anos foi ferido na cabeça por uma bala de borracha disparada pelas forças de segurança israelenses durante um protesto no povoado de Bilin, também na Cisjordânia, informaram participantes da manifestação.

Outros participantes do protesto foram internados por terem inalado gás lacrimogêneo lançado pelos policiais e soldados que controlavam o evento.

A manifestação de ontem tinha como objetivo chamar a atenção do presidente dos Estados Unidos, Barack Obama, para a situação das aldeias palestinas cercadas pelo muro no dia em que pronunciava no Cairo um discurso de aproximação ao mundo muçulmano.

Informações colhidas pelo Bil'in Village:

Another killed in Ni'lin

Source : Stop the Wall

Occupation forces shot and killed Yousef Sadiq Srour during a demonstration against the Wall this afternoon in Ni’lin.

Yousef Srour was shot in the chest with a live bullet while he was trying to remove an injured person from the front lines of the demonstration.

Soldiers attacked Ni’lin in the morning, shooting at villagers who were in the midst of praying with tear gas and live ammunition. Four other people were shot with live bullets today; three were hit in the leg and the fourth in the kidney.

This killing marks the most recent victim of the increasing repression being brought down upon anti-Wall mobilizations. While it has been nearly five years have passed since the International Court of Justice ruled that the Wall must be torn down, construction, confiscation and violence continue apace.

Yousef Srour was 35 years old and leaves a wife three children behind. He is fifth person from Ni’lin who has been killed during demonstrations against the Wall in the village.

Palestinian shot dead by Israeli troops at West Bank protest

Source : Ma’an News

A Palestinian demonstrator was killed and another injured after Israeli forces opened fire at an anti-wall rally in the West Bank village of Ni’lin on Friday.

The slain Palestinian was identified as Yousef Aqel Sadiq Srour, 36, who was shot in the chest with live fire, according to medics at the scene.

An Israeli military spokesperson initially denied that the soldiers used live fire, but later issued a statement justifying the man’s death because he "was a Hamas activist central to the weekly anti-separation fence protests," according to the Israeli newspaper Haaretz.

Meanwhile, at least three protesters were injured by Israeli fire in the Ramallah-area village, but it was not immediately clear if they had been shot with live fire, rubber-coated bullets or tear gas.

However, witnesses said that the soldiers opened fire on the demonstrators before the rally had even begun at noon on Friday, according to the Israeli news agency Ynet.

Protesters also claimed that Israeli forces fired grenades at a house in an attempt to take it over, causing a number of the house’s residents to suffer from tear-gas inhalation, Ynet reported.

A Palestinian ambulance was also fired upon, injuring one of its medics, witnesses said.

Last Friday, two Israeli border police officers were lightly injured during a demonstration in the same village. The Jerusalem Post reported that the two officers were hurt after protesters threw rocks at the invading forces that attempt to shut down the popular village protests each week.

The week before, a 20-year-old Palestinian demonstrator was transferred to a Ramallah hospital after Israeli forces shot him in the head with a tear-gas canister.

The young man, Mustafa Amira, was attending the same weekly demonstration against the West Bank separation wall, which cuts off nearly half of Ni’lin’s land for the use of illegal Israeli settlements.

Israeli forces kill Palestinian demonstrator in Ni’lin

Source : ISM

Friday, 5 June 2009 at 2:50pm: Israeli forces have killed a demonstrator in the West Bank village of Ni’lin.

The Israeli army shot Yousef Akil Srour, aged 36 years in the chest with 0.22 caliber live ammunition. He was dead upon arrival to Ramallah Hospital.

Yousef Akil Srour is the 5th Palestinian to be killed by the Israeli army in Ni’lin during a demonstration against the theft of his land for the construction of the Annexation Wall.

Israeli forces shot Mohammad Mouslah Mousa, aged 15 years, in the lower chest shortly after shooting Srour. He was taken to Sheikh Zayed Hospital in Ramallah.

Additionally, the army shot another 3 demonstrators today with 0.22 caliber live ammunition; one in the leg, one in the side and one in the shoulder.

As of Friday, 5 June 2009, Israeli forces have shot 35 people with live ammunition during demonstrations in the village of Ni’lin.

Israeli occupation forces have murdered five Ni’lin residents during demonstrations against the confiscation of their land and critically injured one international solidarity activist.

Ahmed Mousa (10) was shot in the forehead with live ammunition on 29 July 2008. The following day, Yousef Amira (17) was shot twice with rubber-coated steel bullets, leaving him brain dead. He died a week later on 4 August 2008. Arafat Rateb Khawaje (22), was the third Ni’lin resident to be killed by Israeli forces. He was shot in the back with live ammunition on 28 December 2008. That same day, Mohammed Khawaje (20), was shot in the head with live ammunition, leaving him brain dead. He died three days in a Ramallah hospital. Tristan Anderson (37), an American citizen, was shot with a high velocity tear gas projectile on 13 March 2009 and is currently in Tel Hashomer hospital. Yousef Akil Srour (36), was shot with 0.22 caliber live ammunition in the chest on 5 June 2009 and pronounced dead upon arrival at Ramallah hospital.

In total, 35 people have been shot by Israeli forces with live ammunition.

Since May 2008, residents of Ni’lin village have been demonstrating against construction of the Apartheid Wall. Despite being deemed illegal by the International Court of Justice in 2004, the occupation continues to build a Wall, further annexing Palestinian land.

Ni’lin will lose approximately 2500 dunums of agricultural land when the construction of the Wall is completed. Ni’lin consisted of 57,000 dunums in 1948, reduced to 33,000 dunums in 1967, currently is 10,000 dunums and will be 7,500 dunums after construction of the Wall.
