terça-feira, 14 de julho de 2009

Never Before Campaign - Palestina Livre!

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Campanha lançada durante os ataques de Israel contra a campo de concentração que virou Gaza no começo do ano focando na resistência Palestina, no orgulho e nos direitos dos palestinos ao invés da já batida vitimização e vergonha.

A Never Before Campaign (Campanha Nunca Antes) é baseada em Beirute, no Líbano e produziu uma série de vídeos para espalhar a campanha e a idéia de não-vitimização e sim de resistência e luta.

Via Global Voices Online:

"Make the lie big
'Israel is a victim'
Make it simple
'Israel is defending itself'
Keep saying it
'Israel wants peace'
And eventually the will believe it
... or will they??
'Israel is a victim'
'Israel is defending itself'
'Israel wants peace'
40 years of Israeli occupation
'Israel is defending itself'
300 UN resolutions violated by Israel
'Israel wants peace'
Israel caused 11 wars in 60 years
'Israel is a victim'
600 palestinian villages ethnically cleansed
'Israel is defending itself'
450 palestinian children killed in 3 weeks
'Israel wants peace'
Israel owns 200 nuclear warheads
'Israel is defending itself'
'Israel wants peace'
'Israel is a victim'
'Israel is defending itself'
'Israel wants peace'
'Israel is a victim'
'Israel is defending itself'
'Israel wants peace'
'Israel is a victim'
'Israel is defending itself'
'Israel wants peace'
Make your lies big, make them simple, keep saying them,
and eventually the world will know that
